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Teatr Proscenium


Theater Proscenium was founded in 1998 on the initiative of Ziuta Zającówna – associate professor at AST National Academy of Theater Arts, actress, and director of performances. It is an informal group of professional artists implementing independent projects in cooperation with the Association of Non-Institutional Theaters STeN in Cracow. The Theater Proscenium actors want to restore the splendor of forgotten songs and rediscover well-known authors, but they are also keenly interested in contemporary texts. They show art that is often overlooked by institutional theaters.

The main goal of this project was to design a new branding and a website for the theater, based on its dual nature. On the one hand, it is a professional group of artists, that cooperates with many cultural institutions and has a remarkable place on Cracow’s artistic map. On the other hand the theatre is uninstitutional, and their performances are irregular. These two factors — professional and alternative — were crucial in the process of creating the branding.

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Teatr Proscenium